升級至 iOS 4 前, Gizzomo Team 建議你先查看以下的 Cydia 系統軟件 (Packages) 兼容列表. 由於 iOS 4 是一個重大更新, 許多 Cydia 系統軟件目前尚未支援 iOS 4, 部份軟件開發者亦正在開發該軟件對 iOS 4 的兼容. 因此, 升級至 iOS 4 之前, 可透過以下兼容列表, 查看本身用開的 Cydia 系統軟件是否可以在 iOS 4 上運行.
已支援 iOS 4: 開發者認為該軟件已足夠穩定性去支援 iOS 4, 因此發佈了該款軟件.
部份功能支援 iOS 4: 該軟件能在 iOS 4 運行, 但穩定性有待改善; 部份功能可能無法在 iOS 4 使用.
尚未支援 iOS 4: 該軟件或其軟件核心功能尚未支援 iOS 4; 在 iOS 4 使用可能導致主機進入安全模式或出現錯誤.
(*) 附帶星號: 該軟件開發者已宣佈正在開發該軟件對 iOS 4 的兼容.
‧ 20-Second Lock Screen
‧ 60-Second Lock Screen
‧ 3G Unrestrictor - some apps don't unrestrict, like YouTube
‧ ABGrouper
‧ ActionMenu*
‧ Activator* - center of screen "dies" after a double-wide status bar opens (phone call, tethering, voice memos recording); issue is known and fixed, but not released yet
‧ AdBlock
‧ aDownloader* - reboot after install
‧ Advanced Preferences
‧ afc2add
‧ AndroidLock* - "outdated," will be replaced in the future by the brand new, 100% USDA-certified angus beef AndroidLock XT (available in Original, A1, or Smoky Cheddar)
‧ AnyRing*
‧ AppBackup
‧ AppLinks
‧ AptBackup
‧ AttachmentSaver
‧ Auto Shutdown
‧ Auto Silent
‧ AVPlayer
‧ Backgrounder - fully-working beta available, has great new 4.0 features including "auto-detect" to background apps that don't natively support it
‧ Battery Control
‧ biteSMS
‧ BlankNull
‧ BossPrefs
‧ BossPaper - kills multitasking bar
‧ BTstack - appears to be working just fine
‧ CalendarPro
‧ CallClear
‧ CallMe - better iOS 4 support but still some blank icons
‧ Categoreies
‧ CategoriesSB - make sure to disable horizontal scrolling
‧ Chronus
‧ Circuitous
‧ ControlPad
‧ CrashReporter
‧ Cycorder
‧ CyDelete
‧ Cydget
‧ Cydia - works fine but seems to crash a lot
‧ Cyntact - works for me, others having issues
‧ Desktop/SMS Background
‧ Dim Delay
‧ dTunes - no torrent support
‧ Elert
‧ Emoji
‧ Exchange Unlock
‧ eyeTV
‧ FakeCarrier
‧ Find In Page - "SP 3.0 version" apparently works
‧ FirewallIP
‧ Five-Column SpringBoard* - crashes to Safe Mode, even after uninstalling. To fix without restoring, uninstall IconSupport from Cydia
‧ Five-Icon Dock
‧ FiveIRows
‧ Flashlight
‧ FontSwap - app works/downloads fonts, and can install all fonts EXCEPT system fonts
‧ FrostBite (get from Sakurina's site, not Cydia)
‧ FullPreview
‧ Fuzzyband
‧ gameboy4iphone
‧ genesis4iphone
‧ GlovePod
‧ GPS Serial
‧ GriP - only the You've Got Mail extension works
‧ Grooveshark
‧ GV Mobile (+)
‧ HapticPro* - fully works, except does not respect the "Key Released" toggle in settings. if "Key Pressed" is turned on, phone will vibe on both press AND release regardless of "Key Released" toggle
‧ iAccounts
‧ iAcces4
‧ iBooks - not sure what this "issue" everyone is talking about actually is, but apparently it is fixed if you jailbreak with PwnageTool 4.1
‧ iBlacklist
‧ iBlank - fully compatible now, comes with Winterboard theme to remove icon shadows
‧ iBlueNova
‧ iClassic
‧ Iconoclasm*
‧ Icon Harvester
‧ IconSupport* - automatically installed with some SB tweaks. Must uninstall, along with the tweak itself, to get out of eternal Safe Mode
‧ iFile - locks up when editing text/plist file
‧ ImaSafari
‧ iMemoryEnhancer - not sure how to file this one. Some reports of phone getting completely stuck and requiring restore; others just fine
‧ iMobileCinema
‧ Infiniboard*
‧ Infinidock*
‧ Insomnia Pro
‧ Intelliscreen
‧ iPhoneDelivery
‧ iPhoneModem
‧ iPodPop
‧ iProtect
‧ iRealSMS - beta is working
‧ iRemix* - issues with Favorites
‧ iSmartDialer
‧ iStrings
‧ iTransformToiPod - breaks multitasking bar
‧ iWep Pro
‧ iWhiteboard
‧ iWipe
‧ Jokes
‧ Kirikae
‧ LiveClock*
‧ Lockdown
‧ LockInfo - works with stock plugins, Twitter, Things, WeatherIcon
‧ Lock Calendar
‧ Longitude - appears to only update at device boot, not on intervals; Longitude2 apparently coming soon
‧ LSRotator*
‧ LMakeItMine - updated to change fake time correctly; fake time still shows with no service
‧ Maps Enhancer
‧ Mcleaner
‧ mAdvLock
‧ mCoolPhone
‧ MewSeek
‧ MiVTones
‧ MobileFinder
‧ MobileLog
‧ MobileMusicPlayer Flip
‧ LMobileTerminal - version in Cydia does not work; google search for manual install working version
‧ MPlayer
‧ mQuickDo
‧ MultiIconMover - does not work on folders or icons within folders, but doesn't crash
‧ Music Controls* - may not include status bar controls
‧ MXTube
‧ My3G*
‧ MyWi (old version) - upgrade to 4.0 version at a discounted price
‧ MyWi 4.0
‧ nes4iphone
‧ Netatalk
‧ NESynth
‧ No Album Artwork (NoAA)
‧ Notifier - see note at bottom
‧ OpenSSH
‧ OverBoard*
‧ Panorama*
‧ PBJ Time
‧ PdaNet
‧ PhotoShare Web
‧ Pirni Pro
‧ PkgBackup
‧ PogoPlank
‧ Popup Blocker
‧ PreferenceLoader - IMPORTANT NOTE: Please test compatibility with individual preference panes now that PreferenceLoader has been updated for 4.0. (version 2.0.2-1)
‧ ProSwitcher*
‧ ProTapper
‧ Push Doctor
‧ PwnTunes
‧ qTweeter
‧ QuickDismiss
‧ QuickLock
‧ QuickReply for SMS - please confirm working
‧ QuickScroll 2 - crashes with triple tap
‧ RandomRing
‧ Recent Call Log Delete
‧ Reflective Dock - redundant package; 4.0 supports reflective dock
‧ Remove Recents
‧ Resupported
‧ RingShuffler
‧ RMF Glebo Edition
‧ Rock
‧ roqyBT
‧ Rotation Inhibitor - may not display Photos in landscape, even if rotation is enabled
‧ Safari Download Manager*
‧ Safari Download Plugin - if you have an app installed that supports the file extension, the native "Open In..." plugin will override
‧ Safari Tab Closer* - crashes Safari
‧ SBOrganizer
‧ SBRotator*
‧ SBSchedule*
‧ SBSettings - VERY mixed reports on compatibility with issues including but not limited to: can only be opened on home screen, phone toggle doesn't display icon, does not open without Activator; may crash when adjusting brightness...
‧ SBSettings Autolock Toggle
‧ SBSettings Calculator Widget
‧ SBSettings Close Button Widget
‧ SBSettings HapticPro Toggle
‧ SBSettings Ringer/Silent Toggle - shows that it is "muting" but doesn't actually work
‧ SBSettings Syslog Toggle
‧ SBSettings UAFaker Toggle - resprings on toggle
‧ SBSettings VPN Toggle
‧ SBSettings Tether Toggle
‧ SBSettings Tethering Toggle
‧ SBSilent Toggle
‧ SBSimplify
‧ ScreenDimmer
‧ Screen Recorder - sometimes stops recording randomly
‧ ScreenSplitr*
‧ Scrobbl
‧ Shrink - some issues with folders
‧ SIManager
‧ Six-Icon Dock
‧ Sleep
‧ SmartScreen - certain widgets like Mail do not work
‧ Snappy
‧ SnapTap*
‧ snes4iphone - Wiimote support works, install BTstack
‧ SnowCover Pro
‧ SpotBright - I would stay away from this package in general since IconSupport adds the hidden icons feature into Spotlight, and dev hasn't updated it/fixed current bugs in forever
‧ SpringBack - mixed reports, please confirm either way
‧ SpringJumps
‧ SpringLocker
‧ SprintBoard
‧ StatusNotifier
‧ Stupid Laws
‧ Supreme Preferences 3.0 - loads fine and most features work except for those changed by iOS 4
‧ SuperCharged
‧ Swapmode
‧ SwirlyMMS
‧ SysInfoPlus - occasionally gives false information
‧ Tab+
‧ Tlert*
‧ Toggle SSH
‧ ToneFX* - works with all but MMS and Camera tones, does not shuffle ringtones
‧ Torrentula
‧ TV Out - landscape broken
‧ Universal Search
‧ UnlimTones
‧ UnlimVideos
‧ USB Drive
‧ Veency
‧ Video Recorder 3G
‧ Voicemail Forwarder
‧ Volume Boost
‧ VolumeButtonExtender - completely disables volume buttons
‧ WeatherIcon* - crashing SpringBoard for some people when set to change icon
‧ WiCarrier
‧ WiFi Sync
‧ WiFiFoFum
‧ WiFiTrak
‧ WiggleFree- icons wiggle until touched
‧ Wiimote Music Controls - update BTstack
‧ Window Planar
‧ Winterboard* - .png themes disabled in some apps like Facebook and YouTube; sound themes seem to be unaffected
‧ YFiSelect
‧ YourTube - downloads videos correctly, but only plays audio
‧ yxFlash
Information Source: Modmyi
Gizzomo Community Platform for iOS
[資訊] Cydia 系統軟件與 iOS 4 的兼容列表 (於 07/07 更新)
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- Joined: 13 Jul 2010, 12:47
- iOS Device: I don't have one
- iOS Device Capacity: I don't have one
- iOS (Firmware) Version: I don't have one
- Operating System: GNU/ Linux
- Jailbreak Status: Not jailbroken
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