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求救! 無法回復ipad, 3014 error

使用 iPad 時有問題? 在此尋求專業的 iPad 技術支援解決方案.

求救! 無法回復ipad, 3014 error

Postby kklyvonne » 22 Jan 2012, 17:17

Hello, 我試左用手動或Itunes上回復及更新方去將Ipad2 upgrade to 5.0.1. 去到認證果度都出左3014 error, 依家部Ipad 出左syn to itunes晝面,用唔到了...Help. Thanks a lot.! :cry:
User avatar
Posts: 1
Joined: 04 Sep 2010, 17:50
iOS Device: iPad 1 (Wi-Fi Only)
iOS Device Capacity: 16GB
iOS (Firmware) Version: 3.2.1
Operating System: Mac OS
Jailbreak Status: Jailbroken

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